Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting started

I really don't know where to start. Some friends and family have told me that this blogging thing would be a good idea. Mostly to keep track of what we are doing on a regular basis. So Russ and I will do just that.

I drive by a place called Dodson's House Moving on my way to work (I substitute teach and tutor math). There was a cute little house for sale there. I thought it would be a good house for Russ and I. Russ and I found a time that we could go look at what they have there. There were several very little houses, less than 900 sq ft. We decided that the small houses were too small for us. This place has about 50 portable classrooms for sale as well and we decided to look at those.

Russ and I found one we liked. There is a long, boring story that goes with that. I am not going into that. We ended up with a different one that cost about $5000 less than the original one that we wanted. Dodson's put in on hold for us in December and told us they would hold it until we could get financing.
We found a way to pay for the building outright and put the downpayment on it the first week of February, 2010. We also have (we hope) just enough money to get the water, electric, and septic hooked up. Our goal is to have enough to also put in our driveway (almost a half mile long) and get an HVAC system. I know, lofty goals!

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