Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another flood?!

We are behind where we should be. Dodson's came out and took the stuff they used to hold the building up about a week and a half ago on a Thursday. Then Friday, we got rain... Not a little, a LOT! I couldn't even come home from work! At the airport, they registered 3" - not much really... But in Quihi, which is closer to us than the airport, they got 11". Russ thinks we got beween 12" and 13". Needless to say, it was too much for our dry creek beds to handle. And we had water in our low water crossing - the one to get to our house - had standing water until Thusday this week.

Our piglets are growing. They have probably doubled in size in a month. They are really cute and very playful. Momma is still being very protective. We think they are weened. And have two people that want one. We have to separate them so we can figure out if we have a male. We will keep one male to breed the females with.

As long as the weather holds, Russ plans to start the deck and trusses for the addition tomorrow. Its is an exciting time!

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