Saturday, October 16, 2010

Columbus Day Holiday

On Columbus Day, we had a holiday from school. I was able to give Russ some much needed help out at the house. I finished getting the insulation out of the building. I swept a bunch of the floor. Finished pulling out the nails in the walls and ceilings where I couldn't reach due to the large pile of insulation.

Russ worked on putting up the wall for between my craft room and the "jack and jill" bathroom.

We also pulled off the electrical boxes that were on the outside of the building by what will be our front door.

I hope that in the next few weeks, we can get the rest of the "bat" insulation off the trailer. Once that is done, we can get the rest of the wood and trash out of the inside. And in two weeks, (after I return from Notre Dame) I am going to get the metal out to the recycling place. Then, we will have a barren floor and can start getting the old glue-down carpet up and the footer boards down.

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