Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Water Line and More

It has been so long since I have written... I am sorry about that.

This past Saturday, we rented a trencher. Russ ran the trencher while my dad and I connected 1700 linear feet of PVC.

The trencher decided to die about 2 pm. Russ tried everything to revive it. He finally called the place where we rented it and they sent out a repair dude. Come to find out, it was just a fuse...

Up to that point, Dad and I had barely stayed ahead of Russ. We managed to finish and I sent Dad to take a nap.

Russ finished trenching for our water line about 5 p.m. Then he had to do the neighbor's.
We are actually going to use Russ's Dad's well. That is why we had to run sooooo much pvc. Eventually, we hope to put in a rain water collection system. But for now it is too expensive. Russ has signed up for a rain water collection class through Northside IS
D community education where he hopes to get the newest scoop on filtering the rainwater, which is
the costly part.

1 comment:

  1. How Exciting! We are planning on moving back to Texas within the next 10 months, Good Lord willing. To Pleasanton Texas. We are planning on going to Dodson house moving place to see if we could buy a house or a portable building so we can also built the home to our liking. Depends on what we see. We also need to see where we can purchase telephone poles at a lower price as possible to help keep costs down, etc I know how exciting it is for you both, as We Too are Excited to be going home.. to our 3 acres and back with Family. God Bless you both on your Journey.
