Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Home Sweet Portable

The house is on our property... YIPPPPEEE!!!!!!

I was able to take a half day of work off so I could be here for the arrival of our portable. The folks arrived a little earlier than originally expected. So when I arrived, the house was about half way to its destination on this property. I took some video and lots of photos. But I will only attach one because I realize it's not quite as exciting for y'all! =-)

We had to hurt a few more trees, which was unfortunate. But the building would have had some major damage otherwise. We still have a beautiful live oak out of our back door and quite a few persimmon out the front. And bluebonnets and many other wildflowers off the right side. It is a beautiful spot!

This day has taken many months of fretting, thinking, planning, working, and worrying. And I know that the worrying isn't over - but just beginning!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Propane, Holes, and Poles

Last weekend, we found a 250 gallon propane tank for $350. It was quite a drive, all the way to Poteet, to pick it up. Brand new, they run $800 to over a $1000. We found this on Craig's List also. You sure can find great deals on that website if you know what you are looking for.

We borrowed a skidsteer from a neighbor and rented a 18" auger to dig holes for our power pole and our piers. We are going to put our house on pieces of telephone poles. When Russ was almost done, I took this photo. Russ and I both said that it looks like a mole was loose on our property. (Or for those Nascar fans - Digger was loose.)

We got the news on Saturday that our building will be delivered on Tuesday. We are very excited about that. But now there is a long list of things that need to be completed before the building arrives. And since I am working day and night, I cannot be much help. To top things off, Russ's truck decided to break down today. And although it is just the starter, it is going to take some doing to get it fixed tomorrow because it is on the bottom of the engine and some other stuff has to come off just to get to it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our Home Site

One thing that I haven't done is put in a photo of our land. So I took a picture about a week ago.

We received our 3000 gallon water tank about two ago.

Russ went on Friday and picked up our telephone poles. We will use one pole for our electric. The rest are to hold up our house, like a pier and beam.

We have a friend that can get electrical stuff below retail. We finally got our bid from him this last week. Russ is planning on picking this stuff up today. Russ is meeting with our electrician today also.

I guess I should be very thankful that Russ is well versed in machinary. He ran the trencher like a pro. And we have to borrow a neighbor's back hoe. And he uses all the implements for his dad's tractor without a problem. Because of this, it has saved us a LOT of money.

Water Line and More

It has been so long since I have written... I am sorry about that.

This past Saturday, we rented a trencher. Russ ran the trencher while my dad and I connected 1700 linear feet of PVC.

The trencher decided to die about 2 pm. Russ tried everything to revive it. He finally called the place where we rented it and they sent out a repair dude. Come to find out, it was just a fuse...

Up to that point, Dad and I had barely stayed ahead of Russ. We managed to finish and I sent Dad to take a nap.

Russ finished trenching for our water line about 5 p.m. Then he had to do the neighbor's.
We are actually going to use Russ's Dad's well. That is why we had to run sooooo much pvc. Eventually, we hope to put in a rain water collection system. But for now it is too expensive. Russ has signed up for a rain water collection class through Northside IS
D community education where he hopes to get the newest scoop on filtering the rainwater, which is
the costly part.